Nike launches new lightweight fabric with self-adjusting breathability

Nike launches new lightweight fabric with self-adjusting breathability

Sportswear giant Nike has launched a new lightweight fabric that responds instantly to help the body regulate body temperature, allowing runners to feel more comfortable and perfor…

Natto bio sportswear

Natto bio sportswear

A collaborative team from the MIT Media Lab and the Royal College of Art recently developed a green biological fabric “bio-skin” designed with bacterial intervention. T…

Smart clothes made of “electronic skin”

Smart clothes made of “electronic skin”

On November 6, in Binjiang District, Hangzhou, a smart clothing launch conference not only attracted the attention of many clothing companies such as Qipai and Jiumuwang, but also …

Magnetic functional fiber

Magnetic functional fiber

1. Foreword Magnetic materials and their applications have been developed as early as ancient times. At present, magnetic materials come in many types and specifications and are us…

Testing and evaluation of the “three-proof” functions of textiles

Testing and evaluation of the “three-proof” functions of textiles

Water-repellent, oil-repellent, and stain-repellent properties are commonly known as the “three defenses.” Water repellency: The fabric has the ability to resist water …

How to conduct textile antimicrobial testing

How to conduct textile antimicrobial testing

Antibacterial materials retain the natural antibacterial components of raw materials or impart antibacterial properties to materials by adding antibacterial agents. Antibacterial m…

tidy up

tidy up

The process of dipping the fabric into slurry and drying it to obtain a thick and stiff effect is a finishing method aimed at improving the feel of the fabric. It uses a slurry mad…

Liquid ammonia finishing

Liquid ammonia finishing

The process of treating cotton fabrics with liquid ammonia to completely eliminate the internal stress in the fibers and improve the gloss and wearability is called liquid ammonia …

Functional textiles market has huge potential

Functional textiles market has huge potential

Functional textiles refer to textiles that, in addition to their own basic use value, also have antibacterial, anti-mite, anti-mildew, anti-virus, anti-mosquito, anti-moth, flame-r…

New successes emerge in functional textiles

New successes emerge in functional textiles

中国大陆功能性纺织品的快速发展,使得功能性纺织品的研发呈现出高涨态势� As people’s consumer demand for certain special functional textiles continues to increase, the research and development of functional text…
