The cooperation between Xiaomi and Li Ning has been hailed as whether “Cinderella” can be transformed with the help of “Prince”

The cooperation between Xiaomi and Li Ning has been hailed as whether “Cinderella” can be transformed with the help of “Prince”

近日,李宁公司宣布与小米生态链企业、小米手环缔造者华米科技达成战略协议,共同研发新一代智能跑鞋,共同探索大数据健康领域。李宁希望借此来解决目前遇到的转型危机,探索智能鞋的市场空间,而小米无疑是在补墙自身的生态圈。目前,新消息称,该产品还处于测试阶段,预计第三季度的7、8月份上市。   李宁公司公布了与小米合作的消息,宣布与华米科技进行战略合作,打造智能跑鞋,…

Use bulletproof materials to make high-heeled shoes that do not hurt your feet. The heels bear 50% of the weight

Use bulletproof materials to make high-heeled shoes that do not hurt your feet. The heels bear 50% of the weight

高跟鞋是人类一项伟大的发明,既增加了身高,又让女士们走起路来袅袅婷婷,保持一副优雅迷人的姿态。然然,穿高跟鞋非常受罪,有些女性甚至因此承受脚部的伤痛。现在好了,近期美国一位火箭科学家、宇航员和整形外科医生对高跟鞋进行了改造,打造出不累人也不伤脚的高跟鞋,这让喜欢穿高跟鞋的女人顿时轻松起来。 learned from a recent rep…

Why is cotton cellulose resistant to alkali but not acid?

Why is cotton cellulose resistant to alkali but not acid?

The chemical structure of cotton cellulose macromolecules is composed of β-D glucose residues linked to each other by 1,4 glycoside bonds. The two terminal glucose residues of the …

Dekenano, the pioneer of green textiles!

Dekenano, the pioneer of green textiles!

德科纳米(dekenano)是公司的品牌� �像海澜之家、阳光集团、雅戈尔等这些知名服装品牌都是我们的客户之一� Following the poison scandal in the sportswear provided to players at the 2014 Brazil World Cup (mainly due to fluoride res…

How did UNIQLO become a global clothing brand?

How did UNIQLO become a global clothing brand?

据《福布斯》统计,日本首富是优衣库及其母公司Fast Retailing(迅销集团)现年66岁的创始人柳井正� Yanai Masaru was born in his father’s store in Yamaguchi Prefecture. He opened his first store, Unique Clothing Wareho…

Functional shoes with 360-degree comfort, breathability and good footing

Functional shoes with 360-degree comfort, breathability and good footing

对于机能鞋来说,基诺浦就相当于贵族鞋,拥有全面的功能和顶级的配置。 基诺浦来源于西班牙,开发和运用了欧洲几十年的制鞋技术,是目前为主成熟的顶级机能鞋,360度全感舒适、透气和落足感。   鞋头呈圆球形,脚背比较高,鞋头比较圆润,跟一般的鞋子还是有所不同,给予脚趾呈扇形的宝宝小脚足够的活动空间。鞋面真皮材料制作,健康透气,保证鞋里空气与外界空气无障碍流通,防止…

Fashionable clothes with heating, massage and other functions

Fashionable clothes with heating, massage and other functions

A seemingly ordinary fashionable dress has a heating device hidden on the inside, which can keep you as warm as spring in the cold winter; an office suit has a massage device insid…

Cool shirt made of paper

Cool shirt made of paper

日本岐阜市,以纺织业著称的日本岐阜市的5家纺织企业正在研发使用和纸做的衬衫。从选材到缝纫全部工序都是在当地完成。该产品将作为清凉商务装产品出售,争取成为像爱媛县“今治毛巾”一样的知名品牌。   该产品称做“岐阜衬衫”。特点是,衣料是由切成线状的轻便、吸水性强的和纸和拥有制冷作用的聚酯编织而成,并且进行了抗菌防臭加工。   领子模仿与岐阜颇有渊源的武将织田信长…

Import tariffs on clothing, cosmetics, etc. will be reduced by more than 50% on June 1

Import tariffs on clothing, cosmetics, etc. will be reduced by more than 50% on June 1

关税司已对外公告,自2015年6月1日起,我国将降低部分服装、鞋靴、护肤品、纸尿裤等日用消费品的进口关税税率,平均降幅超过50%。此决定经国务院关税税则委员会研究提出并已报国务院批准。 According to Yibang Power Network, in this adjustment, the import tariffs on suits, fur…

Miraculous new fabric, stains on suede disappear as soon as wiped

Miraculous new fabric, stains on suede disappear as soon as wiped

我们在日常生活中经常碰到家用纺织沾了污渍,很难去除这个问题,估计很多的妈妈们都碰到过这样的问题。如沙发套、地毯的清洗等 虽说可以交给干洗店,可花钱不少还担心四氯乙烯等干洗溶剂危害健康,要是自己动手洗,实在是太费时费力。想必好多人在想,要是有那种洒上水不渗、污渍用抹布就可以擦净的新面料就好了。如今,新研发的一款产品,对于纤维绒“种植”在底布上的面料,再进行相关…
