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Nanotechnology changes food, clothing, housing and transportation

The famous scientist Qian Xuesen said: “Nanotechnology is the focus of scientific and technological development in the 21st century. It will be a technological revolution and…

The famous scientist Qian Xuesen said: “Nanotechnology is the focus of scientific and technological development in the 21st century. It will be a technological revolution and an industrial revolution.”

The First Industrial Revolution: The use of steam engines in the 18th century made Britain a world power. (Millimeter Technology)

Second Industrial Revolution: Electricity technology made the United States a world power.

The Third Industrial Revolution: Microelectronics technology made Japan a world power. (Micron Technology)

Nanotechnology will trigger the fourth industrial revolution. It is internationally recognized as a promising scientific and technological field in the 21st and even 22nd centuries

Nowadays, whether you turn on the TV or open a newspaper, you can see reports about nanotechnology everywhere.

What is Nano?

Nano: Like meters and millimeters, it is a unit of length measurement in physics.

1 nanometer (nm) = 1 / 1000 micron (um) = 1 / 1 million millimeters (mm) = 1 / 1 billion meters (m).

1 nanometer is equivalent to one 50,000th of the diameter of a human hair.

If you put 1 nanometer of material on a ping-pong ball, it would be equivalent to putting a ping-pong ball on the earth, and it would be impossible to see it with the naked eye. No one could discover its existence before 1982.

It was not until 1982, when American scientist Dr. Rohrer invented the scanning tunneling microscope that humans could see nanoparticles. Since then, a new science has been born in the world, namely nanotechnology. Dr. Rohrer also won the 1986 Nobel Prize in Physics.

What is nanotechnology?

Nanotechnology refers to the science that studies the scale of 1 – 100 nanometers. Anything over 100 nanometers is called micron technology or far-infrared technology.

Nanomaterials: When substances are treated with nanotechnology and reach nanostructures, they are called nanomaterials.

Nanomaterials have some unique physical and chemical properties that conventional materials do not have. When a substance reaches a nanostructure, essential changes will occur in its magnetism, conductivity, biological wave emission, ultraviolet blocking, and catalytic decomposition.

For example, copper: conducts electricity very well, but when it reaches a nanostructure, it no longer conducts electricity. Ceramic: Very hard but very brittle and easily broken. But if the nanostructure is achieved, the hardness can reach 100 times that of steel, and the specific gravity is only 1/6 of steel. It can replace steel to build thousand-story buildings.

Various nano-phenomena also exist in nature. For example, teeth and bones will not decay hundreds of years after a person dies because the bone density has reached a nanostructure.

The lotus leaf does not stick to water because the fuzz structure on the lotus leaf reaches 700 nanometers.

Countries around the world have achieved many results in the research and application of nanotechnology:

Military aspect: American F-117 and B-2 stealth fighters, Russian nuclear submarines. Because of the use of nano-coating, it cannot be seen on radar.

In medicine: 1 gram of nanomedicine can replace 1 ton of traditional medicinal soup.

Nanorobots can enter blood vessels to clear blood clots and can enter the body to kill cancer cells.

Nano eyeballs can replace real eyeballs to see the wonderful world.

Nanoprobes can detect cancer cells early.

Nanotechnology to conquer breast cancer.

Our country’s nanotechnology leads the world in terms of civilian use.

The five-star red flag in Tiananmen Square is not afraid of rain and snow; the glass of the Capital Concert Hall does not need to be cleaned. It’s all about nanotechnology.

China is the first country in the world to produce nanotextile fabrics.

Enron’s nanotechnology is at the internationally advanced level.

The raw materials of the nano-microbiochemical textiles produced by Enron Company are collected from natural minerals on the earth that are beneficial to the human body.

Using high-tech ultra-fine grinding technology, it is processed into 20-30 nanometer super particles, which are blended with polypropylene and spun into nano-scale filaments and short fibers. Dr. Zhang Lide, my country’s chief nanoscientist, calls it “functional fiber”. Woven into cloth and worn on the body, it can play a role in disease prevention and health care, so it is said: wear clothes and hats, and go to bed. It is a health care product worn on the body.

What effect do Enron’s micro-element biochemical textiles have on our human body? Because these ores contain more than 20 trace elements and minerals, after being treated with nanotechnology, they have the following four major effects:

1. Emit and absorb biological waves.

Tested by the Chinese Academy of Metrology: the emissivity is over 91% and the length is 2 – 18 microns.

2. Release a large amount of negative oxygen ions. Its negative oxygen ion concentration can reach 4800/cm3

3. Efficiently inhibit bacteria and sterilize, and block ultraviolet rays.

Tested by the Chinese Academy of Textile Sciences, the antibacterial rate against E. coli is 99.5% and against golden yellow bacteria.The antibacterial rate against Staphylococcus aureus is 87.6%, and the antibacterial rate against Candida albicans is 100%. Therefore, nano underwear has a good conditioning effect on women’s gynecological inflammation and men’s prostatitis, frequent urination and urgency.

4. Extremely strong catalytic decomposition effect. Its energy reaches 5 – 10 cm.

So what do these four major functions have to do with our human health?

We explain the principles of disease prevention and fitness of Enron nano products from the root causes of illness and death.

About 51 million people die every year in the world. Except for car accidents and accidental deaths, the rest are caused by illness. In developed cities, it is difficult to find an old man who has died of his old age, and it is also difficult to find a truly healthy person. Most people are in a sub-healthy state. Scientists have found that there are three main reasons for people’s illness and death: (1) biological wave disorders, (2) endocrine disorders, and (3) microcirculatory disorders.

1. Biological wave disorder.

Biological waves are characteristic waves that exist in everyone, (banks, hotel doors, sensor faucets), also called induction waves. Under normal circumstances, the human body can emit biological waves of 5.6-14 microns. Among them, the 9.4 micron wavelength is the healthy state of the human body. Once the biological wave is disordered, it will cause neurological diseases in the human body if it is lower than 9.4 microns or higher than 9.4 microns. For example: insomnia, dreaminess, migraines, neurasthenia, mental anxiety, back pain, depression, neurological epilepsy, intermittent schizophrenia, etc. These diseases cost a lot of money to go to the hospital but cannot be cured. But if nanotextiles are used to cover the human body, the 2-18 micron bio-waves it emits can completely cover the 5.6-14 micron bio-waves of the human body, adjusting the human body’s bio-waves anytime and anywhere, so it is effective for neurological diseases such as insomnia. Very good in prevention and conditioning.

At the same time, the two biological waves superimpose to produce frictional resonance, which can activate human cells, which is equivalent to doing morning exercises.

2. Endocrine disorders.

Human body fluids and blood are weakly alkaline. Under normal circumstances, the pH value should be between 7.35 – 7.45. Because people now consume too much high-fat and high-protein foods, most people have become acidic. What’s more serious is that air pollution caused by factory exhaust and car exhaust, food pollution caused by pesticides, fertilizers, additives, etc., as well as water pollution, cause us to live in an acidic environment, causing the pH of our bodies to suffer. to serious damage. The important cause of endocrine disorders is the body’s acid-base imbalance, which causes a series of endocrine disorders, such as menopausal syndrome, diabetes, prostatitis, constipation, etc.

Enron nanotextiles can produce a large amount of negative oxygen ions. Negative oxygen ions are weakly alkaline and can purify the air, sterilize and neutralize acidic toxins. They are called “vitamins in the air” in medicine. The content of negative oxygen ions is high at the seaside, in forests, and near waterfalls, with an average of 5,000 About ∕cm3. The negative oxygen ions generated by nanofabric can reach 4880/cm3, which is very close to the content in forests and waterfalls. Therefore, when nanofabric is covered on the human body, it can be absorbed through the skin, neutralize acidic substances, metabolize toxins, and regulate the acid-base balance of the human body, thus achieving the effect of regulating endocrine disorders.

3. Microcirculatory disorders.

Zhao Kesen, vice president of the Chinese Microcirculation Society, pointed out: Microcirculation disorders can cause 414 kinds of diseases and 33 kinds of malignant tumors in the human body.

The flow of blood, lymph, and tissue fluid between arterioles, capillaries, and venules in the human body is called microcirculation. Microcirculation has four characteristics:

1. Many: There are more than 30 billion blood vessels in the body.

2. Length: The total length is about 90,000 to 110,000 kilometers. It can circle the earth two and a half times.

3. Thin: Thin capillaries are 1/20 the diameter of a hair.

4. Thin: Thin blood vessel walls are only 1/100 of ordinary white paper.

Due to these four characteristics of microcirculation, coupled with the increasing living standards of people nowadays, thick blood lipids or high blood lipids, and slow blood flow, it is easy to cause capillary deformation or blockage, which will cause ischemia of organ tissue cells. and hypoxic cell necrosis, which can cause symptoms such as pain, coldness, and numbness in the human body, as well as common diseases such as hypertension, coronary heart disease, and cerebral thrombosis. In severe cases, it can lead to stroke, cerebral hemorrhage, and hemiplegia. Therefore, it is said in medicine: if the microcirculation is smooth, all diseases will be prevented.

Microcirculation disorder is the root of all diseases.

Nanocloth has a strong catalytic decomposition effect. As long as the cloth is placed close to the skin, its catalytic decomposition energy can penetrate 5-10 cm deep into the human skin, decompose the garbage on the blood vessel wall, and excrete it from the body through metabolism, thereby achieving Assist in the treatment of hypertension and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseasetube disease effects.

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Author: clsrich
