3、透气性方面� The first is to pay attention to the openings in the armpits. Even the best waterproof and breathable functional outerwear still needs some auxiliary measures to promote the evaporation of sweat. For example, the zippers used in the armpits are a very creative design. People sweat a lot during exercise. It can be pulled open to increase moisture permeability and breathability, and can be zipped up at ordinary times. Chains can keep you warm. The second thing is to pay attention to the cuffs. Being able to freely adjust the cuffs is an important aspect of the breathability of functional outerwear. Generally, the cuffs of functional outerwear will use nylon buckles. Loosening the buckles can make the air inside the clothes better. Ground circulation, tighten the zipper to keep warm �</p
7、洗涤注意事项:尽量少洗,能擦洗的尽量不洗� �避免机洗,因为机洗有可能会使压胶条脱胶,产生渗水� �也不能干洗,干洗会使PU涂层老化,压胶条可能脱离,防水性变差�
Extended reading: https://www.china-fire-retardant.com/post/9407 .html
Extended reading: https://www.alltextile.cn/product/product-8-571.html
Extended reading: https://www.china-fire-retardant.com/post/9392.html
Extended reading:https://www.yingjietex.com/product/Polyester-Dobby-OXFORD-Fabric-4 .html
Extended reading: https://www.tpu-ptfe.com/post/7737.ht