magic fabric

拥有柔软、不掉色,同时抗起毛起球的绒衣、大衣,是每个人对冬季着装既简单又奢侈的要求� Among the second prize projects of the National Technology Invention Award in 2014, there is an invention that sounds quite awkward and p…

拥有柔软、不掉色,同时抗起毛起球的绒衣、大衣,是每个人对冬季着装既简单又奢侈的要求� Among the second prize projects of the National Technology Invention Award in 2014, there is an invention that sounds quite awkward and professional – the new copolyester MCDP continuous polymerization, spinning and dyeing and finishing technology, which can be used to produce products that meet the above conditions. The energy-saving and environmentally friendly “magic fabric” can help us realize this small but long-term elusive clothing wish. �</p

This project was jointly completed by Donghua University and Shanghai Lianji Synthetic Fiber. Project leader Gu Lixia, a professor at Donghua University who has been engaged in chemical fiber research for a long time, introduced that my country’s annual output of polyester fiber reaches 40 million tons, accounting for 70% of the world’s total. More than %, large-capacity continuous polymerization melt direct spinning polyester production capacity has exceeded 2/3 of the total, and most of them produce conventional polyester fibers. �聚酯大多是半刚性大分子结构,纤维结构紧密,染色性和触感均较差� �改进纤维的染色性是聚酯纤维功能化的重要方向,一直存在聚合难以控制的难题,织物需要碱减量处理,能耗和排放瓶颈问题没有解决,严重影响聚酯纤维改性技术的推广应用� �其中,我国聚酯纤维同质同构化严重,转型升级困难,亟须解决大容量功能化聚酯连续聚合关键技术� �</p


  在顾利霞看来,此项发明的另一个重大意义在于节能环保� This aspect refers to the fact that new polyester products use low-temperature reactions in polyester synthesis. Compared with the high-temperature reaction requirements of original polyester products, energy consumption is reduced to a certain extent. In the spinning process, regardless of the drying temperature , spinning temperature and heating temperature should be lower than conventional polyester �特别在染整过程中,新型聚酯产品采用常压沸染工艺,无需碱减量处理工序� �</p


  新型共聚酯技术的产业化也获得了极大成功,近日一家企业还主动找到顾利霞,希望能将新型聚酯制成的纤维材料用在仿羊绒面料的制作上� �顾利霞答应了合作要求,即将进行这方面的研发,估计将耗时几个月时间� �此前,新型聚酯产品已经被成功地用于制作羊绒衫的仿羊绒工艺当中� �据悉,早在2006年,顾利霞和她的团队就开始着手准备研发这一问题� �2009年时,在列入国家“十一五”科技支撑计划后,这一课题正式启动,终于2013年完成并通过了验收� �现在,这一项目已申请中国发明专利10项,申请国际发明专利3项� �在2014年之前,这一技术就已创汇909.6万美元�

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Author: clsrich
