garment manufacture_garment Factory_Making garment Trading Easier Garment Manufacture News Seaweed can also be made into clothing, which feels smooth and will not burn.

Seaweed can also be made into clothing, which feels smooth and will not burn.

<section <sectio <secti Seaweed can also be made into clothes! And the skin comfort when worn on the body is 15% higher than that of cotton. %。近日由青岛大学专家组承担的“海藻资源制取纤维及深加工产业…

Seaweed can also be made into clothes! And the skin comfort when worn on the body is 15% higher than that of cotton. %。近日由青岛大学专家组承担的“海藻资源制取纤维及深加工产业化成套技术及设备”项目通过国家纺织行业专家委员会鉴� �。作为藻类资源丰富的沿海城市,海藻纤维的出现让这一资源有了更广阔的发展可� �。一片海藻是如何制成一件衣服、一块医用棉布的呢?为此记者走进青岛的海藻产业公司,为您揭示其中奥� �。</sect
Seaweed fiber project passed appraisal</sect
Recently, the "Complete Set of Technology and Equipment for Fiber Preparation and Deep Processing Industrialization from Seaweed Resources" project undertaken by Professors Xia Yanzhi and Zhu Ping of Qingdao University received input from Sun Jinliang and Jiang Shicheng, academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, as well as the Chinese Academy of Textile Science, China Chemical Fiber Industry Association, and The appraisal committee composed of well-known experts in the fiber and textile field and units such as Tianjin University of Technology and Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology appraised the �。通过听取项目的研究汇报,认真审查技术资料,现场考察海藻纤维示范生产线� �。鉴定委员会一致通过项目鉴定,认为项目整体技术达到国际先进水平,其中纺织专用海藻纤维制备技术处于国际领先水� �。</sect
  该项目相关负责人表示,在十余年研发过程中,在纤维级海藻酸钠提取关键技术、纺丝成形技术集成与产业化示范、纺织加工应用示范等三个方面完成了深入研究和系统集� . Overcame key industrialization technologies for fiber-grade sodium alginate raw materials and built a thousand-ton fiber-grade sodium alginate production line; overcame key technologies such as efficient dissolution of raw materials and dehydration-free fiber separation, and successfully developed special equipment for the production of seaweed fiber for textiles. An 800-ton/year seaweed fiber industrial production line has been built; the development, promotion and application of seaweed fiber functional textiles have been carried out, and a variety of special functional textiles, biomedical dressings and other products have been developed. . This project has independent intellectual property rights, authorized 28 Chinese invention patents; formulated 2 group standards and industry standards; published more than 200 academic papers; formed a marine biomass fiber new material technology innovation team, and won the title of "Yangtze River Scholars and Scholars" from the Ministry of Education "Innovation Team Support Plan" innovation team support, and won the Shandong Province Outstanding Innovation Team Award �。</sect
There are 13 steps to turn seaweed into clothes</sect
  走进海藻纤维产业化单位之一的青岛海蓝生物制品,在公司的展示大厅里,一排排的架子上面,挂满了白色棉纱样的纤维成� �。从外观上看,这些纤维与日常见到的棉纱相比,除了更加顺滑一些外,看不出有多大的区� �。但大的不同是,这些棉纱并非由地里生长的棉花制成,而是由大海中的多种海藻制� �。“海带、巨藻、墨角藻、昆布和马尾藻,你平常能见到和知道的褐藻类,基本上都能作为海藻纤维的原料。”公司研发人员向记者介� . A piece of green seaweed turns into a fiber as white as jade. What magical changes have taken place? The researcher explained that the principle is that the sodium salt of alginate can be dissolved in water, so sodium alginate is dissolved in water. After preparing the spinning solution in water, the alginate fiber can be prepared by wet spinning. �。从化学的角度来看,海藻酸纤维的成形过程是一个水溶性的海藻酸钠转变成不溶于水的海藻酸钙的过� �。</sect

  担心记者难以理解,研发人员又向记者做了一番通俗的解� ��。指着生产车间内一个密封的圆筒状容器,研发人员告诉记者,海藻纤维及其它的壳聚糖纤维的制成离不开这一个个的大圆罐� . The algae is dissolved in the tank through a special method. The dissolved raw materials enter the rinsing tank through 13 processes such as filtration, extraction, and stretching. There is a nozzle-like device at the source of the rinsing tank. After passing through this nozzle, it will become into tens of thousands of fibers ��。这些纤维将被进行再次加工,冷却之后便成了制造衣服的原料——海藻纤� ���

"Seaweed coating" won't burn</sect
  抚摸挂在架子上的海藻纤维,手感十分顺滑。正当众人对海藻吐丝啧啧称奇时,工作人员告诉记者海藻纤维的神奇之处并不只是如此。拿起一把海藻纤维,工作人员拿打火机火苗对着海藻纤维烤,结果在火苗烧灼之下,工作人员手中的海藻纤维只是与火苗接触部位变黑,而并没有被点燃。工作人员表示,这只是�The algae fiber undergoes a carbonization reaction under high-temperature burning. The staff explained to reporters that this is because seaweed fiber is a kind of flame-retardant fiber. It is flame-retardant itself. The fiber has a high degree of carbonization during the burning process. It will be extinguished when it leaves the flame and will not cause an open flame in the air. Seaweed fiber is an ideal material for flame retardancy. Clothing made of it is safer than traditional cotton, linen and chemical fiber clothing in case of fire.

  除了阻燃之外,海藻纤维还有着诸多强大的功� �。青岛大学纺织服装学院马建伟教授介绍,海藻纤维大分子存在亲水基团,具有极佳吸湿保湿能� �。并且由于海藻纤维是湿纺纤维,纤维中存在大量的微孔,所以具有良好的吸水性和保水� �。其吸水性可达到自身重量的20倍;其次海藻酸盐与组织渗出液接触时,纤维大大地膨化,大量的渗出液保持在处于凝胶结构的纤维� The "gel blocking" properties of alginate greatly reduce the spread of wound exudates and the impregnation of healthy tissues; the special internal structure of sodium alginate can combine with multivalent metal ions to form stable complexes. , has great adsorption of metal ions and can be used to prepare electromagnetic shielding fabrics �。</sect


Seaweed silk breaks out into the sky</sect
  强大多样的功能意味着海藻纤维用途极为广� �。袜子、内衣、毛巾、口罩……在海蓝生物制品产品展示柜上,十几种的产品均是由海藻纤维及部分壳聚糖纤维制� �。工作人员告诉记者,服装织物是海藻纤维基本用途之� In addition, the wound and the wound plaster stick to each other, which will cause wound pain when the wound plaster is peeled off. It may even stick to the newly healed wound when changing the dressing, causing secondary damage to the wound. The gel blocking properties of seaweed fiber are also Can be used to make medical cotton cloth and other medical dressings �。海藻酸纤维具有远红外功能、抗电磁辐射和阻燃功� �。可以很好地屏蔽电磁波,起到防辐射的作用,研究证实海藻纤维能够抵御99.7%的紫外线和电磁波的侵袭,可用于制作防辐射� �。海藻酸纤维的阻燃性使其广泛运用于消防服等特种服装需� �。</sect
At present, the average profit rate of my country's textile industry is only about 3.97%. However, textile products with health functions can meet the health needs of consumers and have certain technological content and practical value, which determines their higher added value and health functions. The general profit margin of textile companies is between 15% and 50%. �。据专家预测,保健功能纺织品行业3-5年内将保持20%以上的增� �。</sect
Thirteen years of hard work creates seaweed fiber</sect
  据海藻纤维专家夏延致教授介绍,海藻纤维在青的研究早可追溯到2003年海藻纤维的研发被列为青岛市科技将才计� . There are many technical difficulties faced in the early stage of seaweed fiber development, mainly including: first, the fiber spinning raw material is not dedicated, and there is no special detection and control method for the raw material alginic acid segment structure G/M, which also results in low fiber strength and poor fiber quality. An important reason why the quality is easy to change; secondly, seaweed fiber does not have industrial production equipment and cannot truly achieve continuous production. Domestic experiments There are many studies. Previously, seaweed fiber production was mostly concentrated at the pilot level, and there was no systematic research and development in biomedical and textile clothing applications. Thirdly, the preparation efficiency of seaweed fiber spinning solution is low, and the traditional wet spinning process is used. The spinning solution is prepared in a small material tank. This method is more efficient in processing low-viscosity solutions, but it cannot be applied to the preparation and processing of high-viscosity solutions. �。</sect

In view of the above technical bottlenecks, the scientific research team led by Xia Yanzhi actively tackled the key problems and achieved the testing, screening and control of the structure of spinning raw materials through independently developed structural testing technology, and formulated fiber-grade sodium alginate production standards specifically for the preparation of seaweed fibers. The product specifications, requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging, transportation and storage standards of fiber-grade sodium alginate are provided, providing sufficient technical indicators and effective production parameters for the production of fiber-grade sodium alginate. ���



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Author: clsrich
