The advantages of chiffon fabric are that it is light and transparent, feels soft and elastic, has a light and elegant appearance, has good breathability and drape, is elegant and comfortable to wear, and can be worn as an upper body garment. Elegant, charming and solemn and elegant.
The disadvantage is that it is expensive, easy to age and fade, plain satin is easy to wrinkle, and it is difficult to store and maintain.
Although chiffon fabric is soft, elegant and loose, due to its poor drape, it will sag and deform, and it is easy to be snagged.
So it is best to store chiffon flat in the closet or fold it, so that it is not easy to deform. The clothes should be kept dry during storage. This will ensure it is as complete as new. Although chiffon seems to be a thin layer, since most of it is made of chemical fiber synthetic materials, it usually makes people feel cooler when wearing it.
So it is generally recommended to wear it in spring and summer. Moreover, chiffon will easily turn gray and light after being washed too much. It should not be exposed to the sun as it will turn yellow. The fabric is not very firm, the yarn is easily stretched, and the seams are easy to tear.
However, most of these problems are caused by improper washing and maintenance. In fact, as long as you master the correct washing and maintenance methods, these problems can be avoided.