1 mm is equal to how many centimeters? 1 mmi is equal to how many grams? This cannot be converted. Mummy is the unit of weight of silk-like silk fabrics, not the unit of length.
Generally speaking: 1 mmi = 4.3056 grams/square meter. After knowing the length and width of the fabric, multiply it by 4.3 to approximately equal the weight.
Moomi(m/m) is a unit. Square weight( gram/meter2) ,Is the main unit of measurement for fabric texture,But Moomi is commonly used in foreign trade(m/m) represents. The conversion method is as follows:
1. Conversion constant between square meter weight and mmi:
Fabric width1 inches,long25code,heavy2/3Daily money is1m/ m,Metric conversion to:
Area:1inch X25code=0.0254X0.9144X25=0.58064 square meters
N, British systemSCount conversion:
Filament is customarily made in fixed length,That is, the length of the silk9000meter,Heavy1Kewei1deniers.
Short fibers are customarily made with fixed weight,Available in both metric and imperial systems,Metric is the weight of silk thread1000gram,Long1000meter,is1Branch(N).
The British system is silk thread weight1pt ,long840Code is1branch(S).
D=9000/N=5315/S, N=1.693s S=0.591n
font-style: inherit; font-variant: inherit; font-weight: inherit; font-stretch: inherit; font-size: 14px; line-height: inherit; vertical-align: baseline;”>Metric is the weight of silk thread1000gram, long1000meter,is1Branch(N).
The British system is silk thread weight1pt ,long840Code is1branch(S).
D=9000/N=5315/S, N=1.693s S=0.591n
tretch: inherit; font-size: 14px; line-height: inherit; vertical-align: baseline;”>(S).
D=9000/N=5315/ S, N=1.693s S=0.591n