garment manufacture_garment Factory_Making garment Trading Easier Garment Manufacture News Intangible cultural heritage of traditional clothing production (protection of traditional clothing handicrafts)

Intangible cultural heritage of traditional clothing production (protection of traditional clothing handicrafts)

The intangible cultural heritage of traditional clothing production refers to traditional knowledge and skills in intangible fields such as techniques, craftsmanship, production me…

The intangible cultural heritage of traditional clothing production refers to traditional knowledge and skills in intangible fields such as techniques, craftsmanship, production methods, and performances related to traditional clothing. In order to protect traditional clothing handicrafts, the following are some protection measures:

1. Cultural policy support: The government should introduce relevant policies to strengthen the protection and protection of traditional clothing handicrafts. Support includes setting up special funds, organizing exhibitions and training, etc.

2. Inheritor training: By establishing an inheritor training plan and formulating relevant standards, we will cultivate and select excellent inheritors of traditional clothing production skills to ensure the skills inheritance.

3. On-site research and recording: Conduct on-site research to gain an in-depth understanding of the production process, material use, decorative techniques, etc. of traditional clothing, and record and organize it. to preserve these precious intangible cultural heritages.

4. Traditional craft display: Hold a display event of traditional clothing production skills to show the public the production process and exquisite skills, and enhance society’s awareness of traditional crafts. Awareness and recognition.

5. Cross-border cooperation and innovation: Encourage cooperation with fashion design, artistic creation and other fields, combine traditional clothing craftsmanship with modern elements, and innovate tradition clothing to enhance its influence in the fashion market.

6. Protect laws and regulations: formulate corresponding laws and regulations, clarify the protection measures and rights protection for traditional clothing handicrafts, crack down on infringements, and safeguard traditional clothing handicrafts legitimate rights and interests.

Through the above protection measures, the inheritance and development of traditional clothing making techniques can be promoted, the intangible cultural heritage can be protected and disseminated, so that it can be continued and used in modern times. play important cultural and artistic value in society.

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Author: clsrich
