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What should I do if my clothes become stiff after being washed (Why do clothes become stiff after being worn for a long time)

Why do clothes become hard after washing? We all know that the clothes we just bought are very soft and beautiful, but over time, the clothes will gradually lose their elasticity a…

Why do clothes become hard after washing? We all know that the clothes we just bought are very soft and beautiful, but over time, the clothes will gradually lose their elasticity and start to become hard. How does this happen? How to solve it?


In fact, clothing will be very soft when you first buy it, because modern clothing often undergoes a smoothing process during production, and it will look particularly soft and beautiful from the beginning. , but as time accumulates, these originally supple substances will gradually be lost.

In addition, the fibers of the clothes are constantly tangled and tangled during the washing process. In some areas, the water contains more calcium and magnesium salts. Ordinary clothes drying can only evaporate the water, but these substances However, it still remains in the fibers, so the clothes in some areas will become more hard after washing.

How to solve it?

You may think that you need to tie the bell to untie it. We can just add softener during laundry.

The principle of softener is to add a layer of surfactant to the clothes. After dissolving in water, it will release ions with positive charges and adsorb to the negatively charged clothes fibers.

It can block the adsorption of calcium and magnesium ions, forming a protective film that acts as a layer of isolation between fibers, reducing the film material and entanglement between clothing fibers, and keeping the clothing in one place. Very soft and smooth condition.

However, goose softener as a chemical agent has both advantages and disadvantages. Adding some softener when washing clothes can not only reduce static electricity, but also make the clothes softer.

However, if the rinsing is not thorough, the residue will affect health. When the chemical components of the agent remain on the clothes, they will slowly evaporate and be absorbed into the skin and pores.

According to the instructions of EPA and chemical safety instructions, clothing softener contains a variety of harmful substances.

Excessive amounts of phenyl alcohol can irritate the upper respiratory tract, cause central nervous system dysfunction, and cause headaches, decreased blood pressure, vomiting, nausea, etc.; limonene is a carcinogen that can irritate the eyes and skin.

Therefore, do not use softener on underwear. The residue may be harmful to health. Underwear, summer clothes, bedding and other intimate clothing, as well as cotton, linen, and blended clothing, are prone to residue. Try not to use softener. agent. It is also not recommended for children, the elderly, pregnant women, lactating women and those with allergies.

If it must be used, the dosage should be reduced as much as possible, rinsed at least 2 to 3 times during washing, and fully dried after washing to make the agent evaporate as quickly as possible.

Is there any safe and reliable method?

Some clothes become hard mainly because the salt from sweat adheres to them.

1. Pregnant women with children at home. If you want to make your clothes soft, you might as well try this: soak the clothes in warm water for 10 to 15 minutes, then rub them, the salt will fall off, and then wash them normally.

2. Buy laundry detergent with added care products, the effect is also good.

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Author: clsrich
